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The Unimog ambulance
The cattle roads and tracks around Fotadrevo are not surfaced, so in the months of the rainy season especially, they can often become impassable for weeks on end, even for off-road vehicles. Puddles, bumpy tracks and difficult terrain are thus a real challenge. Without the right vehicle you simply can't get around.

Since 2012 this difficulty has been alleviated by a Mercedes-Benz Unimog ambulance truck, donated by the German army, with a specially modified back to carry patients and materials. The vehicle is able to cross deep puddles and makes it possible to transport not only patients and drugs, but also laboratory goods and building materials, even in the rainy season. Paramedics can now reach remote villages in these wet months, in order to carry out vaccination programmes or to pick up seriously ill patients and transport them. The truck is often a life-saver - whatever the weather.
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